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Steven Roland


I tend to write about my skills and hobbies, but I also curate inspiration and make announcements.


Husky JS automates Git hooks to maintain code quality by running tasks like linting and testing during Git workflows. It integrates with tools like ESLint, ensuring consistent, high-quality code in collaborative projects.


Here, I share what sparks my creativity, from online finds to everyday encounters. Discover innovative ideas, art, and articles that inspire my growth. Join me in exploring these moments and find inspiration for yourself.


JavaScript is a versatile and widely-used programming language primarily employed for web development. It enables interactive and dynamic elements on websites, enhancing user experience by allowing manipulation of web page content, handling events, and creating responsive interfaces.


Jigsaw is a static site generator built with PHP, allowing developers to create fast and efficient websites. It processes Markdown and Blade templates to generate static HTML files, making it a popular choice for building blogs, documentation sites, and other content-focused websites.


JIRA is a popular project management and issue tracking tool developed by Atlassian. It is used for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management, allowing software development teams to plan, track, and manage agile and software development projects efficiently, ensuring seamless collaboration and workflow management.


Laravel is a popular open-source PHP web framework known for its elegant syntax and developer-friendly features. It facilitates the development of robust, scalable web applications by providing tools for tasks such as routing, authentication, and database management, allowing developers to create high-quality applications quickly and efficiently.

Laravel Breeze

Laravel Breeze is a minimal and lightweight starter kit for Laravel, a popular PHP web framework. It provides a simple way to set up authentication, including registration, login, and password reset functionality, allowing developers to quickly bootstrap new Laravel projects with basic user management features.

Laravel Envoy

Laravel Envoy is a powerful task runner and SSH manager for Laravel applications. It allows developers to define common tasks and deployment scripts in a simple and expressive way, enabling efficient automation of deployment, server provisioning, and other server-related tasks for Laravel projects.

Laravel Folio

Laravel Folio is a powerful page based router designed to simplify routing in Laravel applications.

Laravel Forge

Laravel Forge is a robust server management and deployment tool designed specifically for Laravel applications. It simplifies the process of provisioning and configuring servers, automating tasks like deploying applications, managing SSL certificates, and monitoring server performance, enabling developers to focus on building and deploying Laravel projects with ease.

Laravel Jetstream

Laravel Jetstream is a robust application scaffolding for Laravel, providing a starting point for building modern, dynamic web applications. It integrates with popular front-end frameworks like Livewire and Inertia.js, offering pre-built authentication, team collaboration features, and customizable UI components, enabling developers to create feature-rich Laravel applications more efficiently.

Laravel Livewire

Laravel Livewire is a full-stack framework for Laravel that simplifies the development of dynamic web applications by allowing developers to build interactive interfaces using Blade templates and Laravel components. It enables real-time, reactive UI updates without writing JavaScript, offering a seamless experience for developers creating modern, dynamic web applications within the Laravel ecosystem.