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Steven Roland
  • Address Element: Contact Information Formatting

    The <address> HTML element is used to provide contact information for the author or owner of a document or article. It is a semantic element that helps to clearly define sections of a webpage that contain contact details, such as physical addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, or other relevant contact information. The <address> tag is typically used within the <footer> of a webpage or at the end of an article to denote the contact information of the author or organization responsible for the content.

    The <address> element is designed to be used for contact information only and should not be used for arbitrary address-like content. It automatically applies italic styling to its contents in most browsers, distinguishing it from other text. Here is an example of how the <address> tag can be used:

        Contact us at: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><br>
        123 Main Street, Anytown, USA<br>
        Phone: (123) 456-7890

    Valid Attributes for <address>

    Attribute Description
    class Specifies one or more class names for the element, used for CSS styling.
    id Defines a unique identifier for the element, useful for JavaScript and CSS.
    style Contains inline CSS styles for the element.

    In summary, the <address> element is a useful HTML tag for clearly marking up contact information on a webpage, enhancing both the semantic structure and accessibility of the content. It should be used specifically for contact-related information, helping users easily identify how to reach the author or organization associated with the webpage.