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Steven Roland
  • Blockquote Element: Quoting Extended Text

    The <blockquote> HTML element is used to denote a section of text that is quoted from another source. It is typically styled by browsers to appear as an indented block of text, which visually distinguishes it from the surrounding content. This element is particularly useful for presenting quotes, citations, or excerpts from literature, articles, and speeches. By using the <blockquote> tag, developers can enhance the semantic structure of a document, providing context for the quoted text and often improving accessibility for users who rely on screen readers.

    The <blockquote> element can include an optional cite attribute, which specifies the URL of the source from which the quote is taken. This attribute provides additional context and can be useful for referencing the original source of the quoted material. Here is an example of how the <blockquote> tag can be used:

    <blockquote cite="">
      "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today."

    Valid Attributes for <blockquote>

    Attribute Description
    cite Specifies the URL of the source document or message from which the quotation is taken.

    In summary, the <blockquote> element is an effective tool for marking up quoted text in HTML, providing a clear visual and semantic distinction for quotes. It supports the inclusion of citation information, which can enhance the credibility and traceability of the quoted content.