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Steven Roland
  • Keygen Element: Key-Pair Generation (Obsolete)

    The <keygen> HTML element was used to facilitate the generation of key pairs for cryptographic purposes, specifically within HTML forms. When a form containing a <keygen> element was submitted, the browser would generate a public/private key pair. The public key would be sent to the server as part of the form submission, while the private key would be stored locally in the browser. This mechanism was designed for use in web-based certificate management systems, allowing users to generate keys and submit them for certificate enrollment.

    Usage and Characteristics

    The <keygen> element was an empty element, meaning it did not have a closing tag. It was typically used within a form to provide a way for users to generate cryptographic keys. Here is an example of how the <keygen> tag was used:

    <form action="process-key.php" method="post">
      <label>Username: <input type="text" name="username"></label>
      <label>Encryption: <keygen name="key"></label>
      <input type="submit" value="Submit">

    Attributes of <keygen>

    Attribute Description
    autofocus Specifies that the element should automatically get focus when the page loads.
    challenge A string that is submitted along with the public key for additional security.
    disabled Indicates that the element is disabled and not available for interaction.
    form Specifies the ID of the
    element that the is associated with.
    keytype Specifies the type of key to be generated, with rsa being the default value.
    name Defines a name for the element, which is submitted with the form data.

    Deprecation and Obsolescence

    The <keygen> element has been deprecated and is considered obsolete. It has been removed from most modern browsers, including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari. The functionality that <keygen> provided is now better handled by more secure and flexible technologies, such as the Web Cryptography API, which allows developers to manage cryptographic operations more effectively and securely.


    • Security: While <keygen> was initially designed to add security to web forms, its implementation and support varied across browsers, leading to inconsistencies and security concerns.

    • Modern Alternatives: Developers are encouraged to use the Web Cryptography API for cryptographic operations, as it provides a more robust and standardized approach to handling cryptographic keys and operations.

    • Browser Compatibility: Given its removal from most browsers, <keygen> should not be used in new web projects, and existing implementations should be updated to use modern alternatives.

    In summary, the <keygen> element was once used for generating cryptographic keys within web forms, but it is now obsolete and unsupported in modern web development. Developers should transition to using the Web Cryptography API for handling cryptographic needs on the web.