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Steven Roland
  • TD Element: Table Data Cell

    The <td> HTML element is used to define a cell in a table that contains data. It stands for "table data" and is a fundamental component of HTML tables, used within a <tr> (table row) element to display data in a structured format. Each <td> element represents one cell in the table and can contain text, images, lists, links, or other HTML elements.

    Usage and Characteristics

    The <td> element is used within a <tr> element, which in turn is used within a <table> element. It can contain various types of content and can be styled individually or as part of a table. Here is an example of how the <td> tag can be used:

        <td>New York</td>
        <td>Los Angeles</td>

    Valid Attributes for <td>

    Attribute Description
    colspan Specifies the number of columns a cell should span.
    rowspan Specifies the number of rows a cell should span.
    headers Specifies one or more header cells (``) that the cell is related to, improving accessibility.

    The <td> element supports all global attributes, allowing for additional customization and interaction through CSS and JavaScript.

    Benefits and Considerations

    • Data Presentation: The <td> element is essential for presenting data in a tabular format, allowing for organized and readable display of information.

    • Styling Flexibility: Cells defined with <td> can be styled individually or collectively using CSS, providing flexibility in design and presentation.

    • Accessibility: Proper use of attributes like headers, along with semantic table structure, enhances accessibility by helping screen readers and other assistive technologies understand the relationships between table cells.

    In summary, the <td> element is a key component for creating tables in HTML, providing a way to display data in a structured and organized manner. Its attributes allow for flexibility in spanning multiple rows or columns and improving accessibility, making it an essential element for presenting tabular data effectively.