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Steven Roland
  • HTML

    Source Element: Specifying Media Resources

    The source HTML element is used to specify multiple media resources for media elements like

    Small Element: Fine Print or Side Comments

    The small HTML element is used to render text in a smaller font size, typically for disclaimers, side comments, or fine print. It is often used to de-emphasize text that is supplementary to the main content.

    Select Element: Dropdown Selection Menu

    The select HTML element is used to create a dropdown menu that allows users to choose one or more options from a list. It contains option elements, each representing a selectable item, and can be enhanced with optgroup elements to organize options into categories.

    Section Element: Thematic Grouping of Content

    The section HTML element is used to define a thematic grouping of content within a document, typically with a heading. It is ideal for organizing content into distinct sections, such as chapters, parts of a thesis, or any logical grouping of related content.

    Script Element: Embedding Scripts

    The script HTML element is used to embed or reference executable scripts within a webpage, such as JavaScript. It enables dynamic content, interactive features, and enhanced functionality by allowing the inclusion of client-side scripts.

    Samp Element: Sample Output Text

    The samp HTML element is used to represent sample output from a computer program or system, typically displayed in a monospace font. It is useful for showcasing examples of code execution or command-line output, distinguishing it from regular text.