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Steven Roland
  • HTML

    S Element: Strikethrough Text

    The s HTML element is used to render text with a strikethrough, indicating that the text is no longer accurate or relevant. It is often used to show edits, deletions, or outdated information in a document.

    Ruby Element: Annotating East Asian Text

    The ruby HTML element is used to represent a ruby annotation, which is a small text displayed above or next to East Asian characters to indicate pronunciation or meaning. This element is essential for languages like Japanese and Chinese, where ruby text (furigana) helps readers understand unfamiliar characters.

    RT Element: Ruby Text Component

    The rt HTML element is used to define the ruby text component of a ruby annotation, providing pronunciation, translation, or transliteration information for East Asian typography. It is typically used within a ruby element to enhance the readability of characters by offering additional context.

    RP Element: Fallback Parentheses for Ruby Annotations

    The rp HTML element is used to provide fallback parentheses around ruby text components in a ruby annotation. This ensures that the pronunciation or annotation is displayed in a readable format in browsers that do not support ruby annotations, by enclosing the ruby text in parentheses.

    Q Element: Inline Quotation

    The q HTML element is used to denote short inline quotations within a text. It typically renders with quotation marks around the content, distinguishing quoted text from the surrounding content.

    Progress Element: Task Completion Indicator

    The progress HTML element is used to display the completion progress of a task, typically shown as a progress bar. It can represent both determinate progress, where the completion percentage is known, and indeterminate progress, where the completion is ongoing but the percentage is unknown.