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Steven Roland
  • HTML

    Pre Element: Preformatted Text

    The pre HTML element is used to display preformatted text, preserving spaces, tabs, and line breaks exactly as they are in the HTML code. This element is ideal for displaying code snippets, poetry, or any text where the formatting is essential.

    Picture Element: Responsive Images for Different Scenarios

    The picture HTML element is used to provide multiple versions of an image for different display scenarios, such as varying screen sizes or device capabilities. It contains one or more source elements and an img element as a fallback, allowing browsers to select the most appropriate image based on media conditions and formats.

    Param Element: Defining Parameters for Objects

    The param HTML element is used to define parameters for plugins associated with an object element. It specifies name-value pairs that pass configuration settings to the embedded object, such as a media player or applet. However, the use of param is largely deprecated in modern web development.

    P Element: Paragraph Text

    The p HTML element is used to define a paragraph of text, serving as a block-level container for written content. It is a fundamental element for structuring text in HTML documents, providing clear separation between blocks of text.

    Output Element: Displaying Calculation Results

    The output HTML element is used to display the result of a calculation or user interaction, often within a form. It is typically associated with scripts or calculations that dynamically update content based on user input.