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Steven Roland
  • Buffer's 10 Core Company Values

    Buffer, a company renowned for its transparent and positive culture, has established a set of ten core values that guide its operations and interactions. These values are not just corporate jargon but are actively practiced and reflected in every aspect of the company's functioning. Let's delve into these values and understand how they can be applied to foster a positive and productive workplace environment.

    These are company values of Buffer, published February 18th, 2015 (v0.5).

    1. Choose Positivity and Happiness

      • You strive to approach things in a positive and optimistic way

      • You avoid criticizing or condemning team members or users

      • You avoid complaining

      • You let the other person save face, even if they are clearly wrong

      • You are deliberate about giving genuine appreciation

      At the heart of Buffer's values is the emphasis on positivity and happiness. This principle encourages individuals to approach situations with optimism, avoid unnecessary criticism, and give genuine appreciation. By letting others save face and focusing on the positive, team members create a supportive and uplifting environment. This value is not about ignoring challenges but about maintaining a constructive outlook that inspires and motivates.

    2. Default to Transparency

      • You take pride in opportunities to share our beliefs, failures, strengths and decisions

      • You use transparency as a tool to help others

      • You always state your thoughts immediately and with honesty

      • You share early in the decision process to avoid “big revelations”

      Transparency at Buffer is about sharing beliefs, failures, strengths, and decisions openly. This value fosters trust and collaboration, as team members are encouraged to communicate honestly and involve others early in the decision-making process. By using transparency as a tool, Buffer aims to build a culture of openness where everyone feels valued and informed.

    3. Have a Focus on Self Improvement

      • You are conscious of your current level of productivity and happiness, and make continual changes to grow

      • You have a higher expectation of yourself than Buffer does of you

      • You regularly and deliberately do things that make you feel uncomfortable

      • You practice activities and develop habits that will improve your mind and body

      Buffer champions continuous self-improvement, encouraging individuals to be aware of their productivity and happiness levels. This involves setting higher personal expectations, embracing discomfort for growth, and developing habits that enhance mental and physical well-being. By prioritizing self-improvement, team members are empowered to reach their full potential.

    4. Be a “no-ego” Doer

      • You don’t attach your personal self to ideas

      • You let others have your best ideas

      • You approach new ideas thinking “what can we do right now?”

      • You are humble

      • You always ship code the moment it is better than what is live on our site – no matter what

      This value emphasizes humility and action over personal attachment to ideas. Buffer encourages team members to share their best ideas freely, focus on immediate actions, and prioritize the collective success over individual recognition. This approach fosters a collaborative environment where innovation thrives.

    5. Listen First, Then Listen More

      • You seek first to understand, then to be understood

      • You focus on listening rather than responding

      • You take the approach that everything is a hypothesis and you could be wrong

      • You are suggestive rather than instructive, replacing phrases such as ‘certainly’,’undoubtedly’, etc with ‘perhaps’, ‘I think’, ‘my intuition right now’

      Active listening is a cornerstone of Buffer's culture. Team members are encouraged to understand before seeking to be understood, approach discussions with an open mind, and communicate suggestively rather than instructively. This value promotes empathy and understanding, crucial for effective teamwork and problem-solving.

    6. Have a Bias Towards Clarity

      • You talk, code, design and write in a clear way instead of being clever

      • You over-communicate, repeating things more times than you would intuitively

      • You use more words to explain, even if it feels obvious already

      • You don’t make assumptions, you instead ask that extra question to have the full picture

      Clarity in communication is vital at Buffer. Whether in writing, coding, or designing, the focus is on clear and straightforward expression. Over-communicating and asking questions to avoid assumptions are encouraged to ensure everyone has a complete understanding. This clarity reduces misunderstandings and enhances collaboration.

    7. Make Time to Reflect

      • You deliberately find time for reflection, because that’s where your life-changing adjustments come from

      • You have a calm approach to discussions and ponder points in your own time

      • You find time to jump out of the trenches into the higher level thinking that will move the needle

      • You understand the value of patience and treat it as a muscle which needs practice to grow

      Reflection is seen as essential for growth and innovation. Buffer values taking time to step back, ponder, and engage in higher-level thinking. This practice allows for life-changing adjustments and the cultivation of patience, seen as a muscle that strengthens with practice.

    8. Live Smarter, Not Harder

      • You value waking up fresh over working that extra hour

      • You always aim to be fully engaged in an activity, or resting

      • You single task your way through the day

      • You are at the top of your game, as you focus on expanding capacity of your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual energy

      • You choose to be at the single place on Earth where you are the happiest, and most productive, and you are not afraid to find out where that is

      Buffer promotes a balanced approach to work, valuing rest and engagement in activities. Single-tasking and focusing on expanding one's capacity across various dimensions are encouraged. This value supports sustained productivity and well-being, allowing team members to perform at their best.

    9. Show Gratitude

      • You regularly stop and are grateful for your circumstances

      • You are grateful for the work co-workers do to push the company forward and help you move faster

      • You approach customer conversations with humility and the knowledge that it’s a privilege to serve these people

      • You have gratitude for platforms, tools and open source that laid the foundation for the possibility of the company: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” – Isaac Newton

      Gratitude is deeply embedded in Buffer's culture. Regularly appreciating circumstances, co-workers, and customers fosters a positive environment. Recognizing the contributions of platforms and tools that enable the company's success is also emphasized, reinforcing a culture of thankfulness and humility.

    10. Do the Right Thing

      • You choose what’s best for customers and the company in the long-term

      • You correct the mistake even when no one would notice

      • You strive to provide the best solution, even if that means foregoing profit

      • You get excited about opportunities to help others

      Integrity is paramount at Buffer. Team members are encouraged to prioritize long-term benefits for customers and the company, correct mistakes proactively, and seek the best solutions even at the cost of profit. This value underscores a commitment to ethical practices and social responsibility.

    Incorporating these values into daily practices can transform not only a workplace but also personal interactions and growth. Buffer's core values serve as a powerful framework for creating a positive, transparent, and innovative environment where individuals and teams can thrive.