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Steven Roland


Laravel is a popular open-source PHP web framework known for its elegant syntax and developer-friendly features. It facilitates the development of robust, scalable web applications by providing tools for tasks such as routing, authentication, and database management, allowing developers to create high-quality applications quickly and efficiently.

Setting Up a Custom BelongsTo Relationship in Laravel Nova

Learn how to set up a BelongsTo field called "Partner" in Laravel Nova that relates to a Team model. Define the relationship in your model and configure the Nova resource to display it intuitively, ensuring a user-friendly admin interface.

Generating Unique Lowercase Handles in Laravel Models

This blog post explains how to generate unique, lowercase handles in Laravel models. It covers defining the model, creating a unique key method, using model events for automatic handle assignment, and allowing user overrides for customization.

Customizing Taxonomy Routes in Statamic

Learn how to customize taxonomy routes in Statamic for better site navigation and SEO. Use default routes or opt for custom solutions with Laravel or the Bonus Routes addon to create user-friendly and integrated URLs.

Building a Simple Marketing Website with Laravel Folio

Learn to build a simple marketing website using Laravel Folio. Set up a Laravel project, install Folio, create pages with Blade templates, and maintain consistency with layouts. Quickly create dynamic content for your marketing site.

Laravel with a Legacy Database

If you ever need to work with a database that doesn't quite follow convention, remember that Laravel has some pretty sweet built-in functionality to help you use that old data in new ways.