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Steven Roland
  • Setting Up a Custom BelongsTo Relationship in Laravel Nova

    When working with Laravel Nova, you might encounter situations where you need to set up a relationship that doesn't quite follow the conventional naming patterns. Today, we'll explore how to create a BelongsTo field called "Partner" that actually relates to a Team model. This can be particularly useful when you're working with legacy databases or when you need to present relationships in a more user-friendly way in your admin panel.

    The Scenario

    Imagine you have a model that needs to belong to a Team, but for business logic reasons, you want to call this relationship "Partner" in your Nova admin panel. Here's how you can set this up:

    Step 1: Define the Model Relationship

    First, ensure your model has the correct relationship defined:

    class YourModel extends Model
        public function partner()
            return $this->belongsTo(Team::class, 'partner_id');

    In this case, we're defining a method called partner that creates a belongsTo relationship with the Team model. Note that we're using partner_id as the foreign key.

    Step 2: Set Up the Nova Resource

    Now, in your Nova resource file, you'll need to define the BelongsTo field:

    use Laravel\Nova\Fields\BelongsTo;
    public function fields(Request $request)
        return [
            // Other fields...
            BelongsTo::make('Partner', 'partner', 'App\Nova\Team')

    Let's break down what's happening here:

    • BelongsTo::make('Partner', 'partner', 'App\Nova\Team')

      • The first argument, 'Partner', is the label that will be displayed in Nova.

      • The second argument, 'partner', is the name of the relationship method in your model.

      • The third argument, 'App\Nova\Team', is the Nova resource class for the Team model.

    Step 3: Customize the Display (Optional)

    If you want to customize how the Team is displayed in the relationship field, you can use the displayUsing method:

    BelongsTo::make('Partner', 'partner', 'App\Nova\Team')
        ->displayUsing(function ($team) {
            return $team->name; // Or any other field you want to display

    This will allow you to control exactly what information is shown when representing the Team in your Partner field.

    Don't Forget the Database

    Remember to ensure that your database has a partner_id column (or whatever foreign key you've specified in your relationship) in the table for YourModel to store the relationship.

    Wrapping Up

    By following these steps, you'll have a Nova admin panel that displays a "Partner" field, which actually relates to a Team model in your database. This approach gives you the flexibility to present your data in the most logical way for your users while maintaining the correct underlying data structure.

    This technique can be adapted for various scenarios where you need to customize how relationships are presented in Nova, making your admin interface more intuitive and user-friendly.

    Happy coding!

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