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Steven Roland
  • Process

    I delve into the intricacies of my creative workflow and explore various methodologies for getting work done. Here, I share insights into how I approach projects, from the initial spark of an idea to the final execution. Whether I'm developing a new concept or refining an existing one, understanding and optimizing my process is key to achieving the best results.

    In this space, I also explore different methodologies like Agile and the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), examining how they can be applied to enhance productivity and creativity. By experimenting with these frameworks, I aim to find the most effective ways to manage projects and bring ideas to life. Join me as I navigate the world of creative processes, sharing tips, experiences, and reflections that might inspire you to refine your own approach to work.

    Understanding the EOS Methodology

    The EOS methodology streamlines web development by aligning team vision, clarifying roles, using data-driven decisions, optimizing processes, and enhancing accountability, leading to efficient project execution and improved collaboration.

    How to Give Recognition That Truly Resonates

    Recognition boosts employee engagement, performance, and morale. Tailor recognition to individual preferences, stay informed, acknowledge challenges, and promote expertise.