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Steven Roland

How to Give Recognition That Truly Resonates

Receiving meaningful recognition from a boss can be a transformative experience. It's not just about the acknowledgment; it's about the motivation and energy it instills, driving you to achieve even more. Recognition is a powerful tool that significantly impacts employee engagement, performance, and morale. According to a 2024 report by Gallup and Workhuman, employees who feel they receive the right amount of authentic recognition are five times more likely to feel a sense of belonging at their workplace, 31% less likely to experience burnout, and much more likely to see a growth path within their organization.

However, the absence of recognition can have the opposite effect. When employees feel their efforts go unnoticed, their motivation, job satisfaction, and engagement can decline, increasing the likelihood of them seeking opportunities elsewhere. So, how can managers ensure their recognition truly resonates?

Personalize Your Recognition Approach

Every employee is unique, and their preferences for receiving recognition can vary. Some may appreciate public praise, while others might value personal messages and one-on-one acknowledgments. Timing is also crucial. Research indicates that younger workers often desire frequent recognition, whereas many Boomers and Gen Xers prefer it a few times a month. Understanding each individual's preferences and erring on the side of frequent recognition can make a significant difference.

Stay Engaged and Informed

Recognition is most impactful when it feels personal and authentic. Managers should stay informed about the projects and initiatives their team members are involved in to provide timely and specific acknowledgments. Regular touchpoints for progress updates and syncing with other stakeholders can help managers relay positive feedback quickly, showing team members that their contributions are valued and that their success is a priority.

Recognize and Overcome Challenges

Recognizing the challenges team members face and how they overcome them adds depth to recognition. It highlights the behaviors that should be encouraged and makes the acknowledgment more meaningful. By honoring achievements in this way, managers can foster a sense of optimism and positivity, demonstrating that they truly see and appreciate their employees' impact.

Highlight Expertise and Encourage Knowledge Sharing

Encouraging team members to share their knowledge and expertise with others is a powerful form of recognition. It not only acknowledges their value but also promotes a sense of job mastery. High-performing employees can lead by example, sharing best practices and approaches, which can inspire others and reinforce the appreciation of their expertise.

Foster a Culture of Peer Recognition

While managerial recognition is vital, peer acknowledgment can also be incredibly rewarding. Creating opportunities for employees to celebrate each other's successes fosters a supportive work environment. This could involve setting up group channels for team members to highlight colleagues' achievements or organizing meetings where individuals can present their projects and wins. Encouraging this kind of cross-team recognition strengthens team bonds and reinforces a culture of appreciation.

Reward and Promote Top Performers

Authentic recognition must be backed by tangible outcomes. Continuous positive feedback should be integrated into employee growth paths and promotion considerations. When team members consistently take initiative, collaborate effectively, deliver outstanding results, and solve problems creatively, it indicates readiness for advancement. Ensuring that promotions come with competitive salary adjustments is crucial to retaining top talent and preventing them from seeking better opportunities elsewhere.

In conclusion, delivering recognition that truly resonates requires a thoughtful, personalized approach. By understanding individual preferences, staying informed, acknowledging challenges, spotlighting expertise, encouraging peer recognition, and promoting top performers, managers can create a work environment where employees feel valued and motivated to excel.

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